Friday, September 9, 2011

Noodle Shit

I don't know what to call this other than Noodle Shit. My mother cooked it for dinner one night a few years ago and referred to it as such and ever since it touched my tongue, I've been in love. 

The recipe listed below feeds four people easily, with multiple servings left over.

  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 2 - 16 oz. bags of penne or rotini noodles (these two types of pasta work best)
  • 2 - 24 oz. jars of meat flavored pasta sauce
  • 1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

  1. Start boiling a pot of water. Add several pinches of salt and 1/4 c. olive oil to the water. When the water starts boiling, add the pasta.
  2. Brown the ground beef in a large, deep pot (7 inches deep is suggested). Strain and rinse when finished browning to wash away unnecessary grease. Dump the meat back into the pot and add both jars of sauce, a pinch of salt, and the remaining 1/4 c. of olive oil.
  3. Strain the noodles when they're done and dump them into the pot with the sauce in it.
  4. Stir and serve.

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